Nature has a unique way of grabbing our attention, often through subtle yet enchanting gestures that can transform our perception of the world around us. My story gives a different perspective on this, rooted in a personal experience during the COVID-19 lockdown. It was during this time that I realized nature is my first home, and all its beings are my dearest friends.

On a fine evening, while I was gardening, my brother brought me a Moss Rose flower stalk, asking me to plant it. When I inquired about its origin, he pointed to a corner near our yard. I planted the stalk alongside the other seedlings and didn’t think much of it. The next morning, however, we discovered fresh flowers in the same spot. This was surprising because I was certain the flowers were not from our garden. Initially, we suspected each other, but our interest soon waned.

This pattern continued for several days; fresh flowers appeared each morning. Intrigued, we decided to solve the mystery of who was bringing the flowers. Determined to find the answer, we woke up early, ran to the yard, and hid, hoping to catch the mysterious flower-bearer.

To our astonishment, the culprit was a crow. We watched as it placed the flowers without anyone noticing and then hid behind the trees to observe us picking them up. Once the flowers were taken, the crow would fly away. This ritual lasted for nearly three months. Over time, the crow revealed itself more openly and even started bringing along its friends. We named the crow “Valyettan,” meaning big brother in Malayalam, and he has been my dearest friend since then. Valyettan still comes home whenever I call, and the crow and its flowers remain a beautiful fairytale to me.

The unexpected friendship with Valyettan was the highlight of those otherwise difficult ‘stay home’ days. While most people became indoor beings, I transformed into an outdoor person, driven by the quest to uncover the mystery of the flowers. I began dining outside, sharing food with crows and doves, fostering a deeper connection with nature.

Nature’s ability to captivate and intrigue is truly remarkable. Its secret brilliance never fails to impress those who seek to be its ally. Even now, four years later, my friendship with Valyettan remains unshaken. I know he is always nearby, waiting for my call.

My experience illustrates how nature uses its subtle wonders to draw us in, creating moments of connection and surprise. Through simple acts, like the daily appearance of flowers, nature reminded me of its presence and the importance of its creatures. This experience has left a lasting impact, teaching me to appreciate the small miracles that nature offers and to cherish the bonds we can form with its beings.

All photos by Aksa Sebastian.

About the author: Aksa Sebastian is a 4th year undergraduate student at IISER Thiruvananthapuram.