.$imgpath. Mango (all varieties) Mangifera indica 932
.$imgpath. Neem Azadirachta indica 380
.$imgpath. Jackfruit Artocarpus heterophyllus 341
.$imgpath. Teak Tectona grandis 282
.$imgpath. Coconut palm Cocos nucifera 263
.$imgpath. Guava tree Psidium guajava 247
.$imgpath. Indian Laburnum Cassia fistula 200
.$imgpath. Tamarind Tamarindus indica 158
.$imgpath. Jamun Syzygium cumini 128
.$imgpath. Indian Almond Terminalia catappa 124
.$imgpath. Copper-pod Peltophorum pterocarpum 106
.$imgpath. Amla Phyllanthus emblica 104
.$imgpath. Purple Bauhinia Bauhinia purpurea 96
.$imgpath. Curry leaf plant Bergera koenigii (Murraya koenigii) 95
.$imgpath. Drumstick tree Moringa oleifera 94
.$imgpath. Wood Apple Aegle marmelos 92
.$imgpath. Fish-tail Palm Caryota urens 88
.$imgpath. Banyan Ficus benghalensis 88
.$imgpath. Custard apple Annona squamosa 84
.$imgpath. Devil's Tree Alstonia scholaris 82
.$imgpath. Indian Mahogany Toona ciliata 82
.$imgpath. Gulmohur Delonix regia 80
.$imgpath. Peepal Ficus religiosa 78
.$imgpath. Chiku Sapodilla Manilkara zapota  70
.$imgpath. Quickstick Gliricidia sepium 66
.$imgpath. Mahua Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia 64
.$imgpath. White Silk Cotton Ceiba pentandra 58
.$imgpath. Robusta Coffee Coffea canephora 56
.$imgpath. Sandalwood Santalum album 56
.$imgpath. Country Fig Ficus racemosa 54
.$imgpath. Pongam Tree Pongamia pinnata 48
.$imgpath. Chandada Macaranga peltata 48
.$imgpath. True Ashoka Saraca asoca 42
.$imgpath. Lantana Lantana camara 42
.$imgpath. Siris Albizia lebbeck 40
.$imgpath. Flame of the Forest Butea monosperma 36
.$imgpath. Mast Tree Monoon longifolium 36
.$imgpath. Rain tree Samanea saman 35
.$imgpath. Henna Lawsonia inermis 33
.$imgpath. Champa Magnolia champaca 32
.$imgpath. Toddy Palm Borassus flabellifer 32
.$imgpath. Red Silk Cotton Bombax ceiba 30
.$imgpath. Indian Elm Holoptelea integrifolia 30
.$imgpath. Mexican oleander, Yellow oleander Cascabela thevetia 25
.$imgpath. Kadamba Neolamarckia cadamba 24
.$imgpath. Frangipani, temple tree Plumeria rubra 24
.$imgpath. Silkworm Mulberry Morus alba 24
.$imgpath. Indian Rosewood Dalbergia sissoo 24
.$imgpath. Indian Coral Erythrina variegata 22
.$imgpath. African Tulip Spathodea campanulata 22
.$imgpath. Arjun Terminalia arjuna 22
.$imgpath. Night Flowering Jasmine Nyctanthes arbor-tristis 22
.$imgpath. Mountain Coffee Coffea arabica 22
.$imgpath. Pride of India Lagerstroemia speciosa 20
.$imgpath. White Siris Albizia procera 20
.$imgpath. Ber Ziziphus mauritiana 18
.$imgpath. Babool Vachellia nilotica (Acacia nilotica) 18
.$imgpath. Gamar Gmelina arborea 16
.$imgpath. Maulsari Mimusops elengi 16
.$imgpath. Pomegranate Punica granatum 16
.$imgpath. Tree of Heaven Ailanthus excelsa 16
.$imgpath. Wild Almond Sterculia foetida 16
.$imgpath. Lychee Litchi chinensis 14
.$imgpath. Indian ash tree Lannea coromandelica 13
.$imgpath. Krishna Siris Albizia amara 12
.$imgpath. Grey Mangrove Avicennia marina 12
.$imgpath. Crepe Jasmine Tabernaemontana divaricata 11
.$imgpath. Bottle brush Melaleuca viminalis 11
.$imgpath. Noni Morinda citrifolia 10
.$imgpath. Nag Champa Mesua ferrea 10
.$imgpath. Khajur Phoenix sylvestris 10
.$imgpath. Pomelo tree Citrus maxima 9
.$imgpath. Indian Mulberry Morinda coreia (Morinda pubescens) 9
.$imgpath. Indian Laurel Terminalia elliptica 8
.$imgpath. Singapore Cherry Muntingia calabura 8
.$imgpath. Croaya Tabernaemontana alternifolia (Tabernaemontana crispa) 7
.$imgpath. Khadi aam Cerbera odollam 7
.$imgpath. Oleander Nerium oleander 7
.$imgpath. Pink Poui, Rosy Trumpet Tree Tabebuia rosea 7
.$imgpath. Bhasa Balli Goniothalamus macranthus 6
.$imgpath. Powderpuff mangrove Barringtonia racemosa 6
.$imgpath. Elephant Apple Dillenia indica 6
.$imgpath. Floss Silk Tree Ceiba speciosa 6
.$imgpath. Jacaranda Jacaranda mimosifolia 6
.$imgpath. Chinaberry Melia azedarach 6
.$imgpath. Beheda Terminalia bellirica 6
.$imgpath. Indian Cork Tree Millingtonia hortensis 6
.$imgpath. Himalayan Fir Abies pindrow 6
.$imgpath. Meethabhaji Champereia manillana 5
.$imgpath. Guh-de, Three-leaf caper tree Crateva adansonii 5
.$imgpath. Indian kino Pterocarpus marsupium 5
.$imgpath. Lal champa Magnolia campbellii 5
.$imgpath. Oriental cashew Semecarpus anacardium 4
.$imgpath. Sausage Tree Kigelia africana 4
.$imgpath. Cypress Cupressus torulosa 4
.$imgpath. Takoli Dalbergia lanceolaria 4
.$imgpath. Caribbean Trumpet Tree Tabebuia aurea 4
.$imgpath. Jhinjheri Bauhinia racemosa 4
.$imgpath. Axlewood Terminalia anogeissiana 4
.$imgpath. Indian tulip tree Thespesia populnea 3
.$imgpath. Wild rose or Webbs rose Rosa webbiana 3
.$imgpath. Indian prickly ash Zanthoxylum rhetsa 3
.$imgpath. Plum tree Prunus domestica 3
.$imgpath. Soft fig Ficus mollis 3
.$imgpath. Himalayan silver fir Abies spectabilis 3
.$imgpath. Black Siris Albizia odoratissima 3
.$imgpath. Himalayan Maple Acer sterculiaceum 3
.$imgpath. Black myrobalan Terminalia chebula 3
.$imgpath. Garuga, Kharpat Garuga pinnata 2
.$imgpath. Nilgiri Rhododendron Rhododendron arboreum subsp. nilagiricum 2
.$imgpath. Cannonball tree Couroupita guianensis 2
.$imgpath. Kanak Champa Pterospermum acerifolium 2
.$imgpath. White Babool Vachellia leucophloea (Acacia leucophloea) 2
.$imgpath. Vilaiti Keekar Neltuma juliflora (Prosopis juliflora) 2
.$imgpath. Deodar Cedrus deodara 2
.$imgpath. English Yew Taxus baccata 2
.$imgpath. East Indian satinwood Chloroxylon swietenia 2
.$imgpath. Indian Horsechestnut Aesculus indica 2
.$imgpath. Apple Malus domestica 2
.$imgpath. Dyers oleander Wrightia tinctoria 2
.$imgpath. Yellow Silk Cotton Cochlospermum religiosum 2
.$imgpath. False white teak Mallotus nudiflorus 2
.$imgpath. Walnut Juglans regia 1
.$imgpath. Apricot tree Prunus armeniaca 1
.$imgpath. Indian Charcoal Tree Trema orientale 1
.$imgpath. Roheda Tecomella undulata 1
.$imgpath. Chirauli nut Buchanania cochinchinensis 1
.$imgpath. Indian Frankincense Boswellia serrata 1
.$imgpath. Peach tree Prunus persica 1
.$imgpath. Evergreen Maple Acer oblongum 1
.$imgpath. Pink pearl tree Cordia dichotoma 1