November Tree Festival 2024

November Tree Festival 2024

Yellows and browns on the trees, A carpet of fallen leaves Some trees with old fruits, Some of them are in bloom too! – Winter is here, and so is the last tree festival of the year. Organize and go on tree walks around you and SeasonWatch your trees. Complete...
Changing Seasons: Trees of Bangalore

Changing Seasons: Trees of Bangalore

My childhood was seasonless and the trees were nameless. I grew up in a house in front of which grew a tree whose branches reached our balcony. A fleet of parakeets would dive into it and peck at its seeds sending the little winged seed, oatmeal-like, scattering. I...
Khinni – Lone Warrior

Khinni – Lone Warrior

Standing tall and alone on the edge of Tadoba Tiger Reserve, I’m Khinni. The place where I stand is not for the faint of heart for I see the most prolific changes in weather over a year. I stand on the edge of a lake adjoining farmlands. I’m the tallest of...
One Tiny Odd Red Leaf!

One Tiny Odd Red Leaf!

After spending months in the forests of Bastar, Chhattisgarh, I have keenly observed the ever-evolving beauty of its forests. Every passing month brings about remarkable transformations, and these changes have captivated my senses in ways I never imagined. I...