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Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Tree of Heaven
Ailanthus excelsa
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Singapore cherry
Muntingia calabura
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Singapore cherry
Muntingia calabura
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Ghost rree
Sterculia urens
Sayee Girdhari 12-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Ghost rree
Sterculia urens
Sayee Girdhari 12-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Ghost rree
Sterculia urens
Sayee Girdhari 12-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: Many
Indian prickly ash
Zanthoxylum rhetsa
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: Many
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Country Fig
Ficus racemosa
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Pomelo tree
Citrus maxima
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Flame of the forest
Butea monosperma
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 12-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Azadirachta indica 11-02-2025
- OR
Mature Leaves: Many
Azadirachta indica
G Prameela 11-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Buds: Many Unripe Fruits: Many
Azadirachta indica
G Prameela 11-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Azadirachta indica
Kunal Behera 11-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata
Sitam 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata
meghanad12 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata
Kunal Behera 11-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
Susanta 2801 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Ripe Fruits: Few
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata
Subhendu Biswal 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata
Piyush 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many
Pride of India
Lagerstroemia speciosa
Gayatri22 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Peltophorum pterocarpum
Krishnaprasad Biswal 11-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None
Mimusops elengi
Kaibalyakhatua18 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata
Domalapally venu 11-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: Few
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata
Gyanendra 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Peltophorum pterocarpum
Abhinash Kumar Nayak 11-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None
Tectona grandis
SWASTIDEEP 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Cedrus deodara
Debasmitaa 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata
Ashutosh_AP 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Wild Almond
Sterculia foetida
Karan_38 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Cedrus deodara
Debasmitaa 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Bottle brush
Melaleuca viminalis
mitaliram 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Azadirachta indica
Krishna Tanaya 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
Rrpujari90 11-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Ficus benghalensis
G Prameela 11-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Guava tree
Psidium guajava
Kalyani Das 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata
Lipsa Mohanty 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Guava tree
Psidium guajava
Kalyani Das 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata
mitaliram 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many Flowers: Many
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
ipsitamahanta 11-02-2025
- OR
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
Sayee Girdhari 11-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Gmelina arborea
Sayee Girdhari 11-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Sivapriya R A 11-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Gliricidia sepium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Delonix regia
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Macaranga peltata
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mast Tree
Monoon longifolium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Cork Tree
Millingtonia hortensis
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Peltophorum pterocarpum
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Gliricidia sepium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
White silk-cotton
Ceiba pentandra
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
temple tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Tree of Heaven
Ailanthus excelsa
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 10-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
Sayee Girdhari 10-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Phyllanthus emblica
Sayee Girdhari 10-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
Sayee Girdhari 10-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: Many
Rain tree
Samanea saman
Sayee Girdhari 10-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Rain tree
Samanea saman
Sayee Girdhari 10-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Syzygium cumini
Sayee Girdhari 10-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Nishad 09-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: Few Female Flower: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
Sayee Girdhari 09-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
Sayee Girdhari 09-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
Sayee Girdhari 09-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Ficus religiosa
Sayee Girdhari 09-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
Sayee Girdhari 09-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
Sayee Girdhari 09-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
Sayee Girdhari 09-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Macaranga peltata
Sayee Girdhari 09-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Azadirachta indica
Niranjana. R 09-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
abel abey 09-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Albizia odoratissima
Black Siris
abel abey 09-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Artocarpus heterophyllus
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 09-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
abel abey 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Female Flower: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Azadirachta indica
abel abey 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
rushtree 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Bindu12345 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Azadirachta indica
Bindu12345 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
Bindu12345 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Guava tree
Psidium guajava
Bindu12345 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Bindu12345 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Bindu12345 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Indian elm
Holoptelea integrifolia
Suhirtha Muhil M 08-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: Don't know Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Yellow-silk cotton tree
Cochlospermum religiosum
abel abey 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Don't know Ripe Fruits: Don't know
Srinka Sreejith 08-02-2025
- KL
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Srinka Sreejith 08-02-2025
- KL
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
reyon 123 08-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 07-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
SANTHI THOMAS 07-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 07-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Toddy palm
Borassus flabellifer
Joshua Rocco 07-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few
Country Fig
Ficus racemosa
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 07-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Mahogany
Toona ciliata
grippy 06-02-2025
- KA
dying Leaves: Few open Fruits: Many
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Jithesh 06-02-2025
- KL
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Jithesh 06-02-2025
- KL
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
Savithri P R 06-02-2025
- KL
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Indian elm
Holoptelea integrifolia
Sayee Girdhari 05-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Neolamarckia cadamba
Sayee Girdhari 05-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Rain tree
Samanea saman
Sayee Girdhari 05-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Macaranga peltata
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 05-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
Sayee Girdhari 05-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 05-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: None
Guava tree
Psidium guajava
ASMIKA S 05-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Azadirachta indica
Sudheena 05-02-2025
Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 04-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 04-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Crepe Jasmine
Tabernaemontana divaricata
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 04-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 04-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 04-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 04-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Phyllanthus emblica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 04-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Singapore cherry
Muntingia calabura
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 04-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mexican oleander
Yellow oleander
Sivapriya R A 04-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Himalayan silver fir
Abies spectabilis
gdfjhm 04-02-2025
Bangalore KA
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Gliricidia sepium
SANTHI THOMAS 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
SANTHI THOMAS 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Delonix regia
SANTHI THOMAS 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Flowering murdah
Terminalia paniculata
jainaarul 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Nishad 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Nishad 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
ritzy 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Mrinaliny Kurup 03-02-2025
- KL
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Don't know Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Indian tulip tree
Thespesia populnea
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Singapore cherry
Muntingia calabura
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Sivapriya R A 03-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Magnolia champaca
Abishek Raj 02-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
CPN-NalandaUniversity 02-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Tamarindus indica
Nishad 02-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
Nishad 02-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: Don't know
Ficus religiosa
Sayee Girdhari 02-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
Sayee Girdhari 02-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
Sayee Girdhari 02-02-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
niranjana r 02-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None
Curry leaf plant
Bergera koenigii (Murraya koenigii)
niranjana r 02-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
safana 02-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Crepe Jasmine
Tabernaemontana divaricata
Sheeba 02-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Crepe Jasmine
Tabernaemontana divaricata
Sheeba 02-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Azadirachta indica
FES Niwas (SHT Mandla) 01-02-2025
-mandla MP
Fresh Leaves: Don't know dying Leaves: Don't know
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
RUHA JAMES 01-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Nishad 01-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Litchi chinensis
Nishad 01-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
Sivapriya R A 01-02-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Artocarpus heterophyllus
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Azadirachta indica
niranjana r 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
True Ashoka
Saraca asoca
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Wild Almond
Sterculia foetida
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None open Fruits: Many
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
True Ashoka
Saraca asoca
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Singapore cherry
Muntingia calabura
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Indian elm
Holoptelea integrifolia
Sayee Girdhari 31-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Curry leaf plant
Bergera koenigii (Murraya koenigii)
Dakshina Renjith 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few
Lawsonia inermis
Nishad 31-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Tamarindus indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
maya 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Peltophorum pterocarpum
SANTHI THOMAS 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Peltophorum pterocarpum
SANTHI THOMAS 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Macaranga peltata
SANTHI THOMAS 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
White Babool
Vachellia leucophloea (Acacia leucophloea)
SANTHI THOMAS 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Peltophorum pterocarpum
SANTHI THOMAS 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
SANTHI THOMAS 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Peltophorum pterocarpum
SANTHI THOMAS 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Ficus benghalensis
Sayee Girdhari 30-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
Sayee Girdhari 30-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Badminton-ball tree
Parkia biglandulosa
Sayee Girdhari 30-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Indian elm
Holoptelea integrifolia
Sayee Girdhari 30-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Nishad 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Curry leaf plant
Bergera koenigii (Murraya koenigii)
Nishad 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Don't know Ripe Fruits: Don't know
Azadirachta indica
Nishad 30-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Don't know Ripe Fruits: Don't know
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Tamarindus indica
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Artocarpus heterophyllus
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Male Flower: Few Female Flower: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Delonix regia
SANTHI THOMAS 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Artocarpus heterophyllus
johan jaimon 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few
Curry leaf plant
Bergera koenigii (Murraya koenigii)
johan jaimon 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Sidharth T G 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Sidharth T G 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
johan jaimon 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: Many
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
johan jaimon 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: Many
Santalum album
Sidharth T G 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
Nishad 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: Don't know
Country Fig
Ficus racemosa
Nishad 29-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Flame of the forest
Butea monosperma
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Flame of the forest
Butea monosperma
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Gliricidia sepium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Azadirachta indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mast Tree
Monoon longifolium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Gliricidia sepium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Azadirachta indica
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Indian Laurel
Terminalia elliptica
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Indian kino
Pterocarpus marsupium
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Vachellia nilotica (Acacia nilotica)
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Ficus benghalensis
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Ficus benghalensis
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Many Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: Many
Jacaranda mimosifolia
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: Many
Ficus benghalensis
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
Sayee Girdhari 28-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: Few
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Bottle brush
Melaleuca viminalis
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Azadirachta indica
boldbeautyof2018 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Azadirachta indica
johan jaimon 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Tamarindus indica
Nishad 28-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Tamarindus indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Guava tree
Psidium guajava
viji vk 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
SANTHI THOMAS 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
temple tree
SANTHI THOMAS 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
SANTHI THOMAS 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
SANTHI THOMAS 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Tamarindus indica
SANTHI THOMAS 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Peltophorum pterocarpum
SANTHI THOMAS 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia
Mandla Season Watch 27-01-2025
- MH
Fresh Leaves: Many
Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia
Mandla Season Watch 27-01-2025
- MH
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Gliricidia sepium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Pride of India
Lagerstroemia speciosa
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Gliricidia sepium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Country Fig
Ficus racemosa
johan jaimon 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Tectona grandis
johan jaimon 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Nishad 27-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Male Flower: Don't know Female Flower: Don't know Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Nishad 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Nishad 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Country Fig
Ficus racemosa
Nishad 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Curry leaf plant
Bergera koenigii (Murraya koenigii)
Nishad 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mexican oleander
Yellow oleander
Hemalatha k p 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Don't know Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
Bindu12345 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Bindu12345 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Guava tree
Psidium guajava
Bindu12345 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Bindu12345 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Bindu12345 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None
Azadirachta indica
Bindu12345 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Sivapriya R A 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
Sivapriya R A 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
White silk-cotton
Ceiba pentandra
SANTHI THOMAS 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
SANTHI THOMAS 26-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
temple tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
True Ashoka
Saraca asoca
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Santalum album
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Pink pearl tree
Cordia dichotoma
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
True Ashoka
Saraca asoca
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
White siris
Albizia procera
Hemalatha k p 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Guava tree
Psidium guajava
SANTHI THOMAS 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
johan jaimon 25-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Gliricidia sepium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Macaranga peltata
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Gliricidia sepium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
True Ashoka
Saraca asoca
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Sivapriya R A 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Dakshina Renjith 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Kripa 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Male Flower: Few Female Flower: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Curry leaf plant
Bergera koenigii (Murraya koenigii)
Kripa 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Indian Mahogany
Toona ciliata
SANTHI THOMAS 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: Many
Toddy palm
Borassus flabellifer
johan jaimon 24-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 23-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 23-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
siyad 23-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Male Flower: Many Female Flower: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Guava tree
Psidium guajava
siyad 23-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Country Fig
Ficus racemosa
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 23-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
sreedevi 23-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Sreehari P 23-01-2025
- KL
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
SANTHI THOMAS 23-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: Many
Tectona grandis
SANTHI THOMAS 23-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Gliricidia sepium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Artocarpus heterophyllus
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Peltophorum pterocarpum
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Gliricidia sepium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Wild Almond
Sterculia foetida
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: Many
Wood Apple
Aegle marmelos
Sheeba 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
SANTHI THOMAS 22-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
SANTHI THOMAS 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Wood Apple
Aegle marmelos
Sayee Girdhari 21-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Ficus religiosa
Sayee Girdhari 21-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Wild Almond
Sterculia foetida
Sayee Girdhari 21-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: Many
Neolamarckia cadamba
Sayee Girdhari 21-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Neolamarckia cadamba
Sayee Girdhari 21-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Neolamarckia cadamba
Sayee Girdhari 21-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Phyllanthus emblica
Sayee Girdhari 21-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Wood Apple
Aegle marmelos
Sayee Girdhari 21-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Wood Apple
Aegle marmelos
Sayee Girdhari 21-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Indian elm
Holoptelea integrifolia
Sayee Girdhari 21-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Gliricidia sepium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Ficus benghalensis
Hemalatha k p 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Bottle brush
Melaleuca viminalis
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Platanus orientalis
Avani 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Pink Poui
Tabebuia rosea
Avani 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Many
Terminalia pendula
Avani 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few
Box Myrtle
Myrica esculenta
Avani 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Rain tree
Samanea saman
SANTHI THOMAS 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Toddy palm
Borassus flabellifer
johan jaimon 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Country Fig
Ficus racemosa
johan jaimon 21-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Magnolia champaca
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Tectona grandis
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Mahogany
Toona ciliata
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: None
Lawsonia inermis
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Indian Mahogany
Toona ciliata
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Pride of India
Lagerstroemia speciosa
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: Few
Indian tulip tree
Thespesia populnea
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Mahogany
Toona ciliata
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Mahogany
Toona ciliata
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None
Macaranga peltata
SANTHI THOMAS 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Ficus benghalensis
Sayee Girdhari 20-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Ficus benghalensis
Sayee Girdhari 20-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Ficus benghalensis
Sayee Girdhari 20-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
Sayee Girdhari 20-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
False white teak
Mallotus nudiflorus
Sayee Girdhari 20-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
White silk-cotton
Ceiba pentandra
Sayee Girdhari 20-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Elephant apple
Dillenia indica
Sayee Girdhari 20-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Elephant apple
Dillenia indica
Sayee Girdhari 20-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Sayee Girdhari 20-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Nishad 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Lawsonia inermis
Nishad 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Tamarindus indica
Nishad 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Nishad 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Nishad 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Curry leaf plant
Bergera koenigii (Murraya koenigii)
Nishad 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Nishad 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Nishad 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Nishad 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Nishad 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
johan jaimon 20-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
susmita 19-01-2025
- PY
Flowers: Few
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
Suhirtha Muhil M 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Dyer's oleander
Wrightia tinctoria
Suhirtha Muhil M 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Suhirtha Muhil M 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Tectona grandis
Bindu12345 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None
Tectona grandis
Bindu12345 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Bindu12345 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
Bindu12345 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few
Guava tree
Psidium guajava
Bindu12345 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few
Azadirachta indica
Bindu12345 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few
Pride of India
Lagerstroemia speciosa
Arushi prakash 19-01-2025
- PY
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: Many
Arjun tree
Terminalia arjuna
AriyanAsha 19-01-2025
- PY
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Tamarindus indica
Nishad 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Azadirachta indica
Abishek Raj 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Grey Mangrove
Avicennia marina
Abishek Raj 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Delonix regia
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: Few
Peltophorum pterocarpum
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Wild Almond
Sterculia foetida
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: Many
Ficus religiosa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Ficus benghalensis
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Ficus religiosa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
NIRANJAN BR 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Nitha sajeesh 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Vachellia nilotica (Acacia nilotica)
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Mahogany
Toona ciliata
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: None
Indian Mahogany
Toona ciliata
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: None
Peltophorum pterocarpum
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Vachellia nilotica (Acacia nilotica)
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
NIRANJAN BR 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Male Flower: Many Female Flower: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Ziziphus mauritiana
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Phoenix sylvestris
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Phoenix sylvestris
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Toddy palm
Borassus flabellifer
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Gmelina arborea
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Phoenix sylvestris
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Wild Almond
Sterculia foetida
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: Many
Phoenix sylvestris
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Albizia lebbeck
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: None
Neolamarckia cadamba
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
White silk-cotton
Ceiba pentandra
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Arjun tree
Terminalia arjuna
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
White silk-cotton
Ceiba pentandra
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
Sayee Girdhari 19-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Ficus religiosa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Macaranga peltata
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
White siris
Albizia procera
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Guava tree
Psidium guajava
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Macaranga peltata
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
SANTHI THOMAS 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
gokul krishna pr 19-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Buds: Many Unripe Fruits: Many
Pink Poui
Tabebuia rosea
Jigu 19-01-2025
- GJ
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
White silk-cotton
Ceiba pentandra
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: Many
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Lawsonia inermis
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Azadirachta indica
niranjana r 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None
White silk-cotton
Ceiba pentandra
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Mast Tree
Monoon longifolium
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Ficus religiosa
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Ficus religiosa
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mast Tree
Monoon longifolium
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
White siris
Albizia procera
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: Many
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Nag champa
Mesua ferrea
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
temple tree
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Mast Tree
Monoon longifolium
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Gliricidia sepium
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Peltophorum pterocarpum
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
White siris
Albizia procera
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Peltophorum pterocarpum
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Rain tree
Samanea saman
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Mahogany
Toona ciliata
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Mast Tree
Monoon longifolium
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: None
Mast Tree
Monoon longifolium
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Dalbergia lanceolaria
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Country Fig
Ficus racemosa
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Ficus benghalensis
guppal7506 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Male Flower: Few Female Flower: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Ficus benghalensis
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
White siris
Albizia procera
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Rain tree
Samanea saman
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
SANTHI THOMAS 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
Deepa MP 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Don't know Ripe Fruits: Don't know
Azadirachta indica
Nishad 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
Anulakshmi Manoj 18-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
temple tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Gliricidia sepium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Peltophorum pterocarpum
Suhirtha Muhil M 17-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
Suhirtha Muhil M 17-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
pritiparija 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
upendra muduli 17-01-2025
- PY
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
Sai subramanyam Barik 17-01-2025
- PY
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
Sovan kumarDandpat 17-01-2025
- PY
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
Soumyashree Meher 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
Raman 17-01-2025
- PY
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Syzygium cumini
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Gmelina arborea
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Syzygium cumini
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Macaranga peltata
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Terminalia bellirica
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Ficus religiosa
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Phyllanthus emblica
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Azadirachta indica
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
salha sanver 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Few
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Curry leaf plant
Bergera koenigii (Murraya koenigii)
Nishad 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Curry leaf plant
Bergera koenigii (Murraya koenigii)
niranjana r 17-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
shivani sp behera 17-01-2025
- PY
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
SANTHI THOMAS 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Steffie Bardeskar 16-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Male Flower: Few Female Flower: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Tamarindus indica
Steffie Bardeskar 16-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Don't know Buds: None Flowers: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Wood Apple
Aegle marmelos
Steffie Bardeskar 16-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Don't know Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Don't know
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
temple tree
Bhuvan Pathak 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Devil's tree
Alstonia scholaris
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Red silk-cotton
Bombax ceiba
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
African tulip
Spathodea campanulata
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Ficus benghalensis
Sayee Girdhari 16-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
White silk-cotton
Ceiba pentandra
Sayee Girdhari 16-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Chinmaya karnika 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Nishad 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Male Flower: Don't know Female Flower: Don't know Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Country Fig
Ficus racemosa
Nishad 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
hccgups cheralayam 16-01-2025
Kunnamkulam, thrissur KL
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many
Magnolia champaca
johan jaimon 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Magnolia champaca
johan jaimon 16-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many open Fruits: Few
Santalum album
Sidharth T G 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Sidharth T G 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Nag champa
Mesua ferrea
SANTHI THOMAS 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Nag champa
Mesua ferrea
SANTHI THOMAS 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Tamarindus indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Indian tulip tree
Thespesia populnea
SANTHI THOMAS 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Gliricidia sepium
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
White silk-cotton
Ceiba pentandra
SANTHI THOMAS 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
SANTHI THOMAS 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Country Fig
Ficus racemosa
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
White silk-cotton
Ceiba pentandra
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
sarafunneesa 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None
Tamarindus indica
Nishad 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
Nishad 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Rain tree
Samanea saman
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Indian Almond
Terminalia catappa
Thahaseena 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Malus domestica
johan jaimon 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Malus domestica
johan jaimon 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
johan jaimon 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Few open Fruits: Few
Tectona grandis
johan jaimon 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Guava tree
Psidium guajava
Jisna TJ 15-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Custard apple
Annona squamosa
RaihanaRahim 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Many
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
temple tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
True Ashoka
Saraca asoca
St Michaels H S Kavil 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Don't know Ripe Fruits: Don't know open Fruits: Don't know
Curry leaf plant
Bergera koenigii (Murraya koenigii)
St Michaels H S Kavil 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Lannea coromandelica
Indian ash tree
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Indian laburnum
Cassia fistula
Nishad 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Don't know Ripe Fruits: Don't know
Azadirachta indica
Nishad 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Don't know Ripe Fruits: Don't know
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Nishad 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: Many
Nilgiri Rhododendron
Rhododendron arboreum subsp. nilagiricum
Avani 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: Few
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Govt L P S Kizhathiri 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Azadirachta indica
johan jaimon 14-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Tectona grandis
Bindu12345 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None
Tectona grandis
Bindu12345 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None
Guava tree
Psidium guajava
Bindu12345 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few
Drumstick tree
Moringa oleifera
Bindu12345 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
Bindu12345 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few
Azadirachta indica
Bindu12345 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Few dying Leaves: Few
Pink Poui
Tabebuia rosea
Sayee Girdhari 13-01-2025
- None
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Many Buds: Few Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Singapore cherry
Muntingia calabura
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
White silk-cotton
Ceiba pentandra
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: None dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Purple bauhinia
Bauhinia purpurea
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None open Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: Many
Coconut palm
Cocos nucifera
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: Few
Mango (all varieties)
Mangifera indica
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Many Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Many Flowers: Many Unripe Fruits: Many Ripe Fruits: None
Bottle brush
Melaleuca viminalis
AKGM GHSS PINARAYI Kannur 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: Few Flowers: Few Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Thahaseena 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: None Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: Few Buds: None Male Flower: None Female Flower: None Unripe Fruits: Few Ripe Fruits: None
Tectona grandis
johan jaimon 13-01-2025
Fresh Leaves: Few Mature Leaves: Many dying Leaves: None Buds: None Flowers: None Unripe Fruits: None Ripe Fruits: None